Key Takeaways: Market opportunities rarely present themselves in obvious ways but can typically be found when nobody else is looking for them. Historically, when investors pile cash into extreme rates, markets tend to do well one year later, as well as two years...
Key Takeaways: Although we may not be in a recession quite yet, the risk of one is high. Stock markets tend to bottom out and rebound during recessions. We are staying up in credit quality to avoid bond defaults and extending duration to position for when rates fall;...
Read through this post on mutual funds and ETFs or skip to the AllGen Academy mutual funds video below. Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds Funds were created to help the average investor own stocks, bonds, and other investments without having to pick individual...
Read through this post on dollar cost averaging here, or skip to the AllGen Academy dollar cost averaging video below. When Markets Fall, What Should You Do? Falling markets can be scary, especially when you see your life savings shrinking to lower and lower levels of...
Read through our market commentary here, or skip to Jason’s April 2022 Market Update video below. In the first quarter of 2022, markets have dealt with major events like Fed rate hikes, inflation hitting 40-year highs, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, not to...