Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Every successful investment plan has an exit strategy. Knowing how to sell is arguably more important than knowing how to buy stocks. The below from the Investor’s Business Daily gives key points to think about when trying to protect your position from large...
Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Swing Trading

Swing trading is a short-term trading technique where traders are usually in a position for a total of a few days to a few weeks. Swing trading is based on a phenomenom that occurs in the stock market where stocks tend to make equally distanced moves up or down. Swing...
Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Determining Price Targets

There are a number of technical patterns that you can use to determine price targets. In my experience there are four patterns that work really well: Head and Shoulders, Triangles, Rectangle Bases and Swing Trades. All of the following examples will give you examples...
Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Good Risk Reward Ratio’s

When entering a position you should know what your attempting to make on the upside (reward) versus how much you can lose on the down side (risk). My personal minimum reward-to-risk-ratio is 3 to 1. Which means I’m attempting to make three times as much as...
Selling Stocks To Cut Losses

Do You Have an Exit Strategy?

One of the most important aspects of a successful investor is an exit strategy. Knowing where to admit you’re wrong and getting out of the position can save you a lot of money and stress. My exit strategy in brief, is to place a sell stop immediately after I...